2019-11-09 9:44 AM
Hi). I made a minimal design for STM32WB55 on board. This board has 3 program pads. There ara GND, SWDIO, SWCLK. Сontroller current is 11mA at the factory program. I try to flash the controller using these contacts, but nothing works. I use ST_LINK (STM32F407 discovery) and ST_LINK Utility. How i can flash this controller?
2019-11-09 9:57 AM
Hi !
How about 4 contact: Vdd ?
2019-11-09 10:18 AM
thanks for the answer Vyacheslav
I feed the controller from the li-ion battery through the LDO (3V3)
2019-11-09 10:24 AM
Sasha, Vdd is needed in order for the stlink to know that the controller is working, such as Vref. In other words: : the voltage does not go to the controller but from it.
"The power supply from the application board is connected to the ST-LINK to ensure signal compatibility between both boards."
2019-11-09 11:27 AM
Thanks Vyacheslav, I'll try this.
2019-11-09 11:36 AM
sorry Vyacheslav, do you speak Russian or Ukrainian?
2019-11-09 11:49 AM
Yes, I answered in "My messages".
2019-11-10 8:06 AM
The stand-alone ST-LINK needs it's buffer powered by the Target, the one on the F407-DISCO doesn't
Check VDDA supply. Check state of NRST pin. Check part orientation.
2019-11-11 6:03 AM
Thank you all for your help. Problem resolved. I used USB st_link programmer and all is worked. ST_LINK in STM32F407 Discovery did not support the controller as I understand.
2019-11-11 6:38 AM
You might try to update the firmware of the onboard ST-Link on the F407-Discovery as well.