2020-02-25 3:57 AM
Hello Geeks!
I have dive-in with the STM32WB. I'm designing one product for the health care application
I have got the Heart-rate code working with the FreeRTOS. More-over my CubeMX Code is also working with the FreeRTOS (After some modifications at msp file as per the examples provided with FreeRTOS )
My intend is to integrate around 7-8 different healthcare senses with SOC to work with Advertising mode having FreeRTOS Middle wares
I have Integrated Heath Thermostat code along with the Heart rate with FreeRTOS api (I have made the changes in hts_app.c as per the hrs_app.c to run task instead of the scheduler)
Problem Statement
Now the problem is that, when i run the code then HW_TS timer working for the both of the task (I'm just enabling the Hert-rate and Thermostate services form the app) but any time my only one task is able to run (hrs working well, which is stopping as soon as i start the hts services from the app)
I have put the breakpoints at HTSAPP_UpdateIntermediateTemperature and HrMeas Callback functions at where osThreadFlag Getting set but some how that's unable to call the task functions at where osThreadFlag is waiting forever!
Insted of the OsThreadFlags when i used volatile int flags then it's seems working, however I need the lowest power consumption along with the osThreadFlag
Can any one help me here ?
I have shared hts_app.c and hrs_app.c files here
I'm also looking to see, what will be the right approach to use the FreeRTOS (pros and cons) with the STM32WB to run with the multiple GATT services