2023-10-30 2:56 AM
Hello community.
What is the maximum datarate of LoRaWAN gateway?
Example: If I'm sending 180,000 bytes from node to gateway, gateway will be able to transfer from node to server.?
Thank you.
2023-10-31 2:34 AM - edited 2023-10-31 2:40 AM
240MB/Month is about 5KB/Minutes or about 1kbps
it's a little payload for LoraWan.
2023-10-31 3:06 AM
it's about 500 Frame per sec. it's very high frequency, I think that it's too high.
If that's gateway serve for this device only that I think that it has no any problem but if it's not, it's possible that there is no air time for another device.
So if you use gateway from Lora Provider, you should contract them about this.
And 180KB per minutes is about 24Kbps which you may have set it to SF7 spreading factor with 500K B/W.
Bit rate are going to 22Kbps but it's going to waste if your gateway is not support this bandwidth.
2023-10-31 3:18 AM
FSK? FSK is not one of moduration of Lora but SX126X support it.
I guess that you have some examples of B-L072.
the FSK is in SubGHz_Phy only which it's no Lora.
you can test it by change a define
#define USE_MODEM_LORA 1
#define USE_MODEM_FSK 0
#define USE_MODEM_LORA 0
#define USE_MODEM_FSK 1
in subghz_phy_app.c
and some parameter in that file.
2023-10-31 8:22 AM
2023-11-01 12:58 AM
Hello @Tinnagit @Tesla DeLorean @AScha.3
Is it legal to use other country frequencies? Ex: If I'm using European frequencies in India?
As this link says European frequencies are available in India.
2023-11-01 1:15 AM - edited 2023-11-01 1:23 AM
>Is it legal to use other country frequencies?
except they are also in the frequency plan of the country , where it is to be used.
look at the frequency plan of your country !
use the frequencies around 122 or 330 MHz, there is the ILS guiding and landing system for civil aircraft --
and you will meet new friends very soon !!! :) :)
2023-11-01 2:26 AM
you have to check regulation for each country.
my country is available for AS923 band.
2023-11-01 2:30 AM
Thank you @AScha.3 for this information.
I want to implement FSK for a better data rate and if I connect my gateway to European frequencies I can use FSK. That's why asked.
The below paragraph is from this link.(https://www.ensembletech.in/lora-frequency-bands-india/).
However, there is a silver lining with the 868 MHz LoRa band. As with all frequency bands there are 8 channels in the 868 MHz LoRa band. These eight channels are spread over frequencies starting at 865.20 MHz and ending at 868 MHz. So in reality a major portion of the 868 MHz LoRa frequency channels are in the license free 865 MHz – 867 MHz band in India. Seven out of the eight channels are in the license free band in India.
2023-11-01 2:42 AM
@Tinnagit my country provides frequency between 865-867 MHZ. But as I want to use FSK can I use European frequency is it legal?
I have given the paragraph and link says that I can use.
2023-11-01 4:06 AM
the Modulation technique is not about frequency so I don't think Lora in Europe will support FSK and also in my region.