2020-02-17 4:26 PM
I have a problem while using BLE using STM32WB55CG in my custom board.
I tried steps explained on UM2550 - 5. How to flash the wireless coprocessor binary.
But the custom board doesn't have any USB port so I tried to upload with ST-LINK(SWD).
And I entered a command like this :
STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=SWD -fwupgrade C:\Users\Administrator\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.3.0\Projects\STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries\stm32wb5x_FUS_fw.bin 0x080EC000 firstinstall=0
But it always throws an error like this :
Error: Could not execute fwupgrade command, Security extension not instantiated.
The data at 0x20030030 are 0x00000000.
The binary file I'm tring to upload is "stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_fw.bin".
How can I upload the coprocessor firmware using SWD port?
Thank you.
2020-02-17 9:54 PM
CubeProgrammer v2.1 does not support co-processor operations via SWD. Update to at least v2.2.
Use port=swd mode=ur to connect under reset to guarantee sustainable connection
2020-02-17 9:55 PM
Also FW_WB_1.4.0 is available
2020-02-18 8:35 AM
The programming through the SWD port requires to set some option bytes i a different way than via the USB port.
The exact command is
cli.exe -c port=swd mode=UR -ob nSWboot0=0 nboot1=1 nboot0=1 -fwupgrade %BLE_STACK% 0x080CB000