2020-04-09 9:23 PM
I test it on P-NUCLEO-WB55 kit board which without any other devices connected on it with the official examples "PWR_STOP2_RTC" ,and I did test it as the readme.txt file tell me(remove all jumpers on JP5, and test the current on the JP2), but the result is near 116uA.
Also I have test the standby mode with the "PWR_STANDBY_RTC" examples, the result is about 0.2uA which is ok.
So what's the matter would it be with the STOP2 mode about the big current?
Looking forward to your reply.
2020-04-13 4:20 AM
Hello , Is there anyone can give any suggestion please?
2020-04-14 11:22 AM
Set DBGMCU_CR to zero before entering low-power mode.
2020-04-15 12:43 AM
Hi Piranha:
I've tried that, but it doesn't work.