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Struggling in testing STM32wb55 BLEMeshLightningPRFN Example


Hello Everyone,

Newbie to STM32 here. I tried working with the STM32WB55 BLEmesh Lightning PRFN example for Nucleo board. I am facing troubles working with as listed below.

  1. STM BLE Mesh app hanging sometimes after provisioning and at different stages.
  2. While I try to debug I couldn't find the Node in the Mesh app.
  3. Bit of luck with the USB dongle but still some problems with the ON/ OFF server sometimes triggers call backs and sometimes not.

I followed exactly as dm00600575 says step by step but still one or the other place I get stuck . Mostly with the call backs not triggering.

Hence I would like to know if there are any settings I need to do in Mobile app or the examples to work with them or should I read any other manuals to get a better understanding of how the examples work. Appreciate any help provided.



Hi For the last 8 days since no reply... I am updating the resolution I found. I was sing firmware library versin 1.11 (Latest) and that was causing troubles. I reverted back to 1.8 and the examples were working well(Though minor issues with app but decenty well). Hope this helps out someone in need.