2020-07-19 3:11 AM
Hi all,
I've been trying to use the STM32WB55 Dev Kit and if I generate the project with the peramitirs below and then try to build the project I get this error;
*** Error Code ***
C:/Users/bryce/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.3.0/STM32WB55-MB1355C/Debug/../STM32_WPAN/App/app_thread.c:582: undefined reference to `MX_LPUART1_UART_Init'
I'm not too sure how to debug this, please could someone help me with debugging this issue.
I think its todo with the GUN not being able to see the Utilities folder?
*** Project Config ***
HSEM -> Active
RF -> Active
RTC -> Active
LpUart1 -> Mod -> Asynchronous
STM32_WPAN -> Thread -> Active
STM32_WPAN -> Thread -> Configuation (Tab)
App Parameters -> CFG_CLI_UART -> hw_lpuart1
Clock Configuration -> Resolve Clock Issues
Thanks for looking into this and if you need anything Please let me know
2021-08-04 5:31 AM
Hi, I'm getting a very similar error while linking. Have you managed to solve it?
c:\xxxxxx\stm32cubeide\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.gnu-tools-for-stm32.9-2020-q2-update.win32_2.0.0.202105311346\tools\arm-none-eabi\bin\ld.exe: ./STM32_WPAN/App/app_thread.o: in function `APP_THREAD_Init_UART_CLI':
C:/xxxxx/Debug/../STM32_WPAN/App/app_thread.c:647: undefined reference to `MX_LPUART1_UART_Init'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [makefile:73: test_STM32WB5MMG.elf] Error 1
2021-08-04 6:19 AM
Found it. The generated code declares the UART init functions as static by default.
2022-04-14 6:39 PM
My difficulty isn't always with sampling the accelerometer. That works k. I can get uncooked statistics from it just excellent ammo. My trouble is that I'm now not able to set any of the unfastened-fall configuration bits.