2023-01-24 12:35 PM
I have a board P-NucleoWB55 and I'm trying to acquire a signal with external clock, very similar to uart, I tried with usart in slave mode without succcess, I tried with spi slave without success.
Now I'm trying to trigger a DMA transfer with a timer and clock source ETR.
I'm following this thread but the code use old api and I don't understand how start the timer.
I configured TIM2 Clock Source ETR2 and Counter Period, DMA TIM2_UP.
I read the AN4666 but I don't understand very well the example.
I tested this code:
HAL_DMA_Start_IT(&hdma_tim2_up, GPIOB->IDR, (uint32_t)buf, sizeof(buf));
I receive interrupt for timer but not for dma.
Thank you for suggestions
2023-01-25 12:09 AM
Hello @juvann (Community Member)
Related to AN4666, in reception mode the external clock is received on a GPIO connected to a timer input channel (TIMx_CH) configured in Input Capture mode. The rising/falling edge events on external clock GPIO will trigger DMA request in peripheral to memory mode.
It seems your code just start a timer counter and then the DMA but after that ?
Have you downloaded the firmware expansion of the AN4666 and review the code for STM32L476 in reception mode ? I think it will help you to understand and port it to STM32WB55 using same peripherals.
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2023-01-25 9:53 AM
Hello @RomainR. ,
> but after that ?
After that, I expect an interrupt which notify me the transfer.
Input capture mode should be used when I want measure the time, rigth?
I just have to sampling the pin of GPIO.
2023-01-28 9:20 AM
I have found a partial solution:
HAL_DMA_Start_IT(&hdma_tim2_up, (uint32_t)&GPIOC->IDR, (uint32_t)buf, 1);
set size as sizeof(buf) is wrong is correct 1, so for every update 1 byte is transfered.
Bit TIM_DIER_UDE is not set in HAL.
2023-01-29 2:58 AM
Also previous change doesn't work, I completly removed DMA and I use only interrupt on timer.
So in my HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback I read GPIO with (GPIOC->IDR & 1) and I compose byte with each bit.