2024-12-01 11:10 AM
I have the problem, that my MCU seems to loose its connection to the network quite often (after some minutes or hours usually) and is therefore not usuable.
I would like to detect this in my Application and then trigger either a rejoin (if possible) or a normal join process and handle the rest on my coordinator.
I found this https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-wireless/stm32wb55-zigbee-network-connection-status/m-p/748031#M22281 as similar topic, but it did not work in my case. I tried the solution, but when I kick out my STM32 from the network from teh Coorinator side, the detect function does not register a network loss.
My other approach would be to use ZbZclAttrIntegerRead in a cyclic function and hope, that I can get an error code, if the Coordinator cannot be reached. Is there an example, of how to read a coordinator data or anything arbitrary with this function, and if there is an error report, when coordinator cannot be reached?
How would the call of a rejoin look like or just a new network join?
2024-12-23 9:02 AM
Hello @vh789
When Child does not receive an answer to End Device Timeout Request, a PARENT_LINK_FAILURE event is generated within Zigbee stack. Such event can be captured at application level using message filtering. Application could then trigger rejoin procedure. Sample app is attached to help you understand how to do it.
To avoid IPCC deadlock, rejoin procedure shall rescheduled outside the event notification callback using a HW timer for instance.
Best Regards.
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2025-02-03 8:41 AM
Hello, thank you for your answer. Unfortunately, I could only now work again on the topic.
I have tried to integrate your solution, but I could not find how to integrate CFG_TIM_ZIGBEE_APP_REJOIN in the line of:
HW_TS_Create(CFG_TIM_ZIGBEE_APP_REJOIN, &TS_ID1, hw_ts_SingleShot, APP_ZIGBEE_Rejoin_cb);
I could not find, what is the TimerProcessID and the TimerContext_t generally in th documentation.
Therefore, I do not know, what arguemt to pass and what to look out for.
I would appreciate, if you could help me out here,