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STM32WB, ZigBee and bytes array cluster


Hello everyone,

I'm contacting you to solve my problem. I have recently been working on adding the Zigbee protocol to an STM32WB55 microcontroller. After a few tests, I managed to send a temperature measurement using "zcl.temp.meas.h" and its functions. I also created the external converter to receive the data.

My application consists of sending a dataframe made up of bytes: {0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, ...}. I tried to find a way of sending an array but couldn't find anything. I've also tried using "zcl.message.h" to send my dataframe as a string: "0xAABBCC..." but nothing works.

Perhaps one of you has already tried to send a message in the form of an array of bytes or a character string and could advise me on the implementation on the FW but also on the configuration of the external converter. I assume that there are modifications to be made in order to receive a message in the form of an array or a character string.

Have a nice day,
