2021-08-09 12:38 AM
Your updates are always valuable to me, but I've always suspected that update firmware won't bother a device already running.
The same happened in the STM32WB new update (FW version 1.12.1), in this update BLE and GPIO interrupts are not working simultaneously because all interrupts are clear in MX_APPE_Init() function which is call after the initialization of all peripherals(included GPIO interrupts).
2021-08-11 5:27 AM
I have already report this issue to ST support.
You need to remove the call LL_EXTI_DisableIT_0_31() :
void Init_Exti( void )
/**< Disable all wakeup interrupt on CPU1 except IPCC(36), HSEM(38) */
LL_EXTI_DisableIT_32_63( (~0) & (~(LL_EXTI_LINE_36 | LL_EXTI_LINE_38)) );
I think initialization of STM32WB with MX generation isn't perfect yet...
2021-08-20 6:27 PM
I logged in just to say you're a bloody saint. i was going crazy that i couldnt figure out what was stopping interrupts from going off.
thankyou !
2021-08-27 12:33 AM
I just figured it out that my Button 1 on PC12 which I already configure to EXTI 12 is masked out. I need to manually add the code to disable the mask to make the EXTI working.
I add this line of code before the while(1) loop
EXTI->IMR1 |= (1 << 12);
I'll try your suggestion.
Thank you Benjamin.