2021-02-11 11:50 AM
I am trying to build a Lora-End-Node application for STM32L476RGT6 + a separate Semtech SX1272 chipt attached to it. The only exampüles are for Nucleo boards. In addition the code is stringly nested, so that it is difficult to understand. ST sure did not want to make Lora implementation easy.
Where can I find an understandable Lora-End-Node example for this combination of chips?
2021-02-11 1:22 PM
>>Where can I find an understandable Lora-End-Node example for this combination of chips?
Not sure what the threshold conditions are, probably cheaper to get some static analysis tools, and understand the Semtech stack, than hire an embedded programmer. But if you want someone to carry the task, you'll probably have to pay them. Radio is a bit niche.
Most have migrated to SX1262 and SX1276 at this point, the SX1272 should still have a couple of nodes in the BSP from the boards that used them.