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STM32 LoRa Software Expansion for SX1261MB2xAS

Associate II

I am looking for a suitable software package for the use of the SX1261MB2xAS shield with a NUCLEO platform.

I already worked on a similar project some years ago and I am sure that I found and used an example for using this board in STM32CubeMX or STM32CubeIDE.

Now I can only find the I-CUBE-LRWAN package which is suitable for another hardware platform.


Which STM32?

The LRWAN package can be ported to other plaforms​, the most common used would be L0 and L4

Are you looking to do LoRa PTP or LoRaWAN?​

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Associate II

The platform doesn't really matter to me.

It will probably be F4/G4/L4. For the first tests, we want to use the existing NUCLEO-F446RE.

The focus will be on LoRaWAN.

The most obvious project I have found for this is the



However, porting this project seems to me to be relatively costly. However, I may be missing something in the process.

I would start by cleaning up the application of any extra components on the dev board, such as LCD.

Then I would adapt the NUCLEO specific parts for my platform.

Finally, our application should upload a few sensor values cyclically and get configs for the sensors if needed.

Since we don't have the dev board for which I found an example project. We can never check during the modification of the program whether everything "still" works.

Therefore I am looking for a less extensive End Node sample