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Some problem over EU868_MAX_RX_WINDOW defined for 3000

Associate II

Hello ,

In ProceessTxDone -- receive delay 1 set for 1000

receive delay 2 set for 2000

when the MAX_RX_WINDOW set to 3000 the application wont work , which means the second timer event callback wont work

e.g ... PHY txDone

PHY rx timeout

and code stucks afterwoeds

but when I set my MAX_RX_WINDOW to 1000 , the application works .

e.g PHY txDone

PHY rx timeout

PHY rxtimeout

...and continues without any problem

what could be the issue?

I am using STM32L083CZ and clock set to 8MHz .

Please guide me through this.

Thank you very much