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Schematic Review Request for Custom Board Based on MB1389E

Associate II

I am developing a custom board based on the MB1389E reference design, using the STM32WL55JC microcontroller. I have designed my schematic using KiCad and attached the PDF version for review.

I would appreciate feedback on the following points:

  1. Oscillator Circuit – I have included both the TCXO and XO clock sources. Are my connections and component choices correct for stable operation?
  2. Power Supply & Decoupling – Are the power rails and decoupling capacitors correctly placed to ensure proper power integrity?
  3. RF Section – Since I am working with LoRa, is the RF path correctly designed to minimize losses and interference?
  4. Boot and Debug Connections – Do my NRST, BOOT, and SWD connections comply with best practices for programming and debugging?
  5. General Design Review – Any potential issues or improvements that you notice?

I would be grateful for any insights or recommendations. Thanks in advance!

Attachment: pcb3 test board-LORA.pdf