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Point to point communication between B-L072z LRWAN1 nodes.

Associate III

Hi all,

I am new to Lora technology and need some guidance from experts here.I am working on B-L072z LRWAN1  module that allows to transmits messages using Lora. I was able to download and flash the example code available in LRWAN library provided by ST. I can see the messages going out using LED indicator on device as i still don't have my gateway working.I had couple of questions here.

1)can i use two B-L072z LRWAN1 devices to achieve point to point communication using Lora?

2)if yes,how can i achieve that?Is there any example code for that or i need to change the current example i am using to achieve what i want ?

3)My assumption is that if i transmit the message from one device,it should be received by second device.Is my assumption correct?

any help will be appreciated.





All devices in range and listening can receive radio transmission.​

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can i get link to the ping pong example for l072z?


Should be in the LRWAN code trees.​

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sorry i checked but did not ind the ping pong example in LRWAN tree.what i found is example of "end node" and "AT command"based example for L072z.