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NucleoF411 and IDB05A2 BLE beacon message reading?

Associate II


I would like to ask for some help in my STM32 Project.

In this project I want to receive and process a BLE beacon message with a Nucleo F411 board and X-Nucleo-IDB05A2 Bluetooth Shield.

The message came from a simple device without any in or out periphery.

This is the device: 

And this is the data format of the message:

I want to use beacon application of the X-Cube-BLE1 software pack.

I read the message with an android application, but I come up against a difficulty in the parameterize of the code.

  • I think, I have to write the device UUID in the eddystone_beacon.c, and I have to send the values to the terminal with the User_Process() fg in the app_bluenrg_ms.c

I find sources where the microcontroller measure something and send data via BLE beacon to smartphones, but I need the opposite of that

My project: 

I would be grateful if someone could help me!