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Nucleo-WBA52CG issue after hard reset



I have a NUCLEO-WBA52CG dev board.

I am seeing an issue whenever I do hard reset for the first time after power-on.
After power-on my the loaded application works as expected, after a hard reset(using the button), the clock configuration seems to be about 44% what is expected.

This behavior can be observed with the BSP example for the board. Basically the delays between LED blinks are longer. I also had an application that prints something via UART and the output was garbage on my serial terminal until i adjusted the baud rate accordingly.
I have not fully tested what else is non-functional but other peripherals may also be affected since my other application(Using SPI, DMA, interrupts, etc) was no longer working as expected instead of just running slower.

Interestingly, a second reset fixes the issue. A third reset goes back to the problem state, and then another reset it is again working as expected.