2024-11-19 05:48 AM
Hello Community,
Greetings of the day.
I'm using the Nucleo WB55RG board. I'm trying to initialize and connect the wb55rg BLE with my mobile app.
So, I'm following the stm32wb getting started video series, video part-12b.
(video link - https://youtu.be/CKYWy7LKL68?si=_UNNvolzgO88g9_H).
I did exactly what's done in this video. I Generated the code, Build & Run it using STM32cubeIDE. I got NO error in the code.
But still, I could not see the name of my BLE device on ST BLE Toolbox app.
Why is this exactly happening? Possible reasons?
Any alternative procedure/approach is most welcomed. Share your experience.