2019-09-11 2:29 PM
The ble stack provided follows BLE V5 protocol, which means that it should be possible to have multiple slaves or multiple master connections. I'm trying to build an application that would be a server/slave capable of connecting to multiple clients ie. the device would still be advertising after a connection has been made. Does the stm ble stack support this and are there examples/documentation I could use to build?
I'm working with stm32wb55 nucleo board.
Thank you
2019-09-12 2:59 AM
You can use the BLE_p2pRouter exemple for the Master device and the BLE_p2pServer for all the other slave devices.
On the STM32WB55 nucleo p2p router board, the master maintains seven simultaneously connections to transfer information from one device to an another remote.
A Smartphone application is connected as a client to the STM32WB55 p2p router device allowing the control of six others STM32WB55 p2p Server devices (End Devices) trough the router.
2019-09-12 8:45 AM
yes, thank you. I was wondering if the reverse was possible ie. a single server(end device) connecting to multiple masters?
2021-09-01 1:57 AM
I have tried same way. I am able to connect any 1 BLE p2p server at a time to p2p router.
If I switch off 1st then only 2nd BLE device get connected.
What could be the reason?