2020-01-30 3:46 AM
I have the Nucelo-WB55 and my own board with STM32WB55CG.
I've developed a BLE software on the Nucleo-WB55 and it works fine.
When I uploaded the software to my own board it seems to have some problems.
I configured all clocks, GPIOs and etc. (Believe I did it write).
I see the BLE device (my own board) on the list of BLEs device, but when I want to connect to the device, the device unable to connect.
When I work with Nucleo-WB55, it works fine and I can connect and see all device services.
I working with IAR IDE, and useing BLE scanner App to get the BLE devices.
What am I missing? what is the different between the MCUs and what configuration I missed??
Lior Malik
2020-01-30 4:09 AM
check a systick is 32MGz.
I had the same thing until I broke that 1 processor should work at the same frequency as the second one.
2020-01-30 4:30 AM
Check also the pin assignment as the chip on the Nucleo board is a 68-pin package while yours is a 48-pin package.
2020-01-30 5:22 AM
Yes, I changed the target->device to ST STM32WB55CG.
This is not the issue...
Thank you.
2020-01-30 5:27 AM
Thanks for your comment.
I verify the SysTick and it seems to look alike.
However, I get SysTick->LOAD = 4000 - 1.
With this value the Nuecloe-WB55 works fine.
maybe am I looking on a wrong variable?
Lior Malik
2020-01-30 5:38 AM
May be could be better done using a clock configuration in CubeMX ?
I use this configuration
2020-01-30 5:49 AM
I generally use CubeMX.
But now I'm using the example BLE_p2pServer. I forgot to mention that.
The only different is the GPIOs and MCU definition in the IAR IDE.
Also, I don't use external LSE for RTC...
I have no idea what went wrong...
It is really frustrating ...
2020-02-05 1:30 AM
I found the problem.
Because I work with internal oscillator for the BLE, the define CFG_BLE_LSE_SOURCE must be set to 1 for internal source.
Thank you all!
2020-08-06 1:48 AM
Hey @Lmali.1 ,
I am facing a similar problem: advertising works but I can't connect. I also have a custom board and no external oscillator; however, setting FG_BLE_LSE_SOURCE to 1 doe not change anything.
I saw on the errata ES0394:
"2.2.1 LSI2 not usable as RF low-power clock
The calibration mechanism and jitter peaks cause the LSI2 clock to exceed the maximum 500 ppm frequency
deviation specified in the Bluetooth® Low Energy standard for low-speed clock.
Clock the Bluetooth® peripheral using the LSE oscillator, instead of the LSI2."
Do you confirm that you got it to work with LSI clock? And if yes, how?
2020-08-06 2:27 AM
hey @XP.1oncet
I dont really remember but, if I recall, when I set the CFG_BLE_LSE_SOURCE to 1, everything start to work properly.
I dont think that oscillator relates to advertise/connection, so maybe you should find it in other place. But I might be wrong on this one.
Good luck