2019-01-09 12:46 AM
Hello everyone!
First let me introduce myself. I am an IT engineer from a company CREA Plus that is stationed in Ljubljana, Slovenia. I got assigned a project, that uses the STM32F100 chips.
As I have no experience myself and am only getting information from the st.com web page.
To describe the project and wishes:
So, a company that trusted us the project, wants us to securely connect their IoT devices (they use the STM32F100 chip) to an Azure Iot Hub.
There is a lot of documentation about ST and azure, but nothing specific for this chip.
The question we have:
So manny questions I know, but I gotta start somewhere.
With kind regards
Miha Lavri�?
2019-01-09 02:20 AM
2019-01-09 03:58 AM
Thanks for the answers!
2019-02-07 02:53 PM