2020-09-29 10:36 PM
An element in a node supports multiple models . STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.8.0 supports 20 models per node, but it only supports 3 elements per node.
I want to control more than 3 devices per node in my project.
If i disable MODEL BINDING, it is possible to control two devices using two models (Generic onoff server and light lightness server) in a single element??
I'm using STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.8.0 package with STM32WB55 Nucleo Pack (STM32WB55RGV6 MCU) and ST BLE Mesh app.
2020-10-09 2:53 AM
The choices of the number of elements, the number of models per element, the number of network keys and application keys are limited to the FLASH size allocation of the node limited to 2 sectors (8 Kbytes).
Up to now the choices guided by customer requirements were:
Plaese have also a look at this orhet hread from the community.
2020-11-26 11:55 PM
I am trying to re-phrase the question so that I understand it correctly.
The Elements have unicast addresses and the Models have the opcodes, so to talk to another device we use the source address and a destination address and a Model opcode specifying the operation to be done at the destination.
In lighting we usually use the group addresses so we can use a group of switches to to publish to a group of subscribing lights.
In your case, you want to use more than 3 physical devices and control it from a single ST mesh node and would like each physical device to be associated with an element on the mesh node. Your request is certainly reasonable but there will be a finite limit on such a design on the number of physical devices.
Have you considered grouping methods so you can control multiple lights from a single group address ?
I do think that the current Mesh library can be made a bit more flexible by allowing different configurations for the same available 8KB of memory, hopefully newer software releases can help in that direction.