‎2021-01-14 6:14 AM
I used I-CUBE-LRWAN develop my sensor node. The problem is when a network have sensor node more than 15 node, sometime they can't transimit data to gateway. I found a recomend for other device that mcu have to eanble LBT to avoid the collision. Please help me,Can LBT solve the problem? I I-CUBE-LRWAN have LBT?
‎2021-01-14 8:11 AM
ALL the source code is provided, review it.
The Semtech chips provide for CAD (Channel Activity Detection)
Send less often.
De-synchronize your nodes.
Try to sense contention, and reduce/adapt.
Review college level network theory books if the concepts are unfamiliar.
Prior thread, perhaps provide more specific detail about the type and periodicity of the data transmission?
‎2021-01-14 8:50 AM
Thank you again, Tesla. It has a lot of detail.:grinning_face: