2020-07-20 8:25 PM
I bought p-nucleo-lrwan2 package at two weeks ago.
so I have searched p-nucleo-lrwan2 reference source.
I get p-nucleo-lrwan1 endless board source, but I haven't find p-nucleo-lrwan2 gateway source.
please I hope to get p-nucleo-lrwan2 gateway source.
have a good day
2020-07-23 2:34 AM
It seems the software is not open...
2020-09-08 12:25 PM
I have also bought a new package of this:
STM32 Nucleo pack LoRa™ HF band sensor and gateway
The node does not respond to AT command. The gateway do.
ST's quality control is very bad! They do not verify it before they ship this product.
ST's support is also horrible. They tell you to read large amount of books and manuals.
2020-09-08 12:53 PM
>>They tell you to read large amount of books and manuals.
Yeah, that's how a lot of engineering is done, beats constructing planes from straw..
The USI parts should be pre-programmed, the NUCLEO side needs to port-forward a UART connection over the ST-LINK VCP if you want to use AT commands on the PC terminal, or host the AT command interaction locally.
2020-09-10 8:33 AM
Hello Clive,
The point is, the out-of-box demo does not work as described as in the package's manual:
The sensor node board with the USI I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 shield does not respond to AT command through a Tera terminal.
Many customers experience this and have not solved this problem for a long time.
2020-09-10 8:35 AM
It is a Huge project. If the out-of-box demo does not work or pass, I cannot recommend it to my sponsors!
2020-09-16 4:37 AM
Hi @Timmy ,
I am also facing the same problem.
Please let me know if you have found the solution.
Thanks and regards,
2020-09-16 4:57 AM
ST support replied me that the base Nucleo Board is not compatible with the USI I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 shield!!!
I have requested a picture showing the correct connections between base board and shield. I will upload here after they will have replied me.
2020-09-20 11:30 PM
Hi Rahulsk,
I have requested a picture showing the correct connection but they closed my support request. It is ST standard, a China-rised company.
It is all information that they provided to me:
"use USI I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 seperately with power supply from other side, don't combine with the Nucleo board. there are some hardware conflict. ie, don't let nucleo board provide power supply for sensor board."
I will request a refund from Arrow Electronics since this product does not work as claimed in their usual manual.
2020-09-21 11:51 PM
Hello @Timmy ,
Thanks for your answer.
Yes. The ST support is terrible. They haven't responded yet to my request which was raised more than 10 days before.