2023-05-22 2:17 AM
Hi All,
Currently I am working on STM32WLE5CCU6 + RAK3172 using STM32CubeIDE. So I am checking sleeping current.
Currently I am getting 340uA of sleeping current.
I want to make it reach to 4uA.
Can anyone guide me how can I achieve that. I have some doubts like below.
I am new to low power related topics. Sorry if I have asked silly questions.
Even though In while loop Larawan_Process() is continuously running. So where I have to put my low power related code means (after Rx or Tx).
Because we only need sleeping current less after receiver signal came.
Note: Using RUI3 firmware given by RAK. We are able to get 5uA sleeping current. But we strictly want it using STM32CubeIDE. And one more thing like Hardware wise there is no issue at all.