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STM32WL55JC1 sampling rate is different

Associate III

Hello everyone, I am trying to do tone calculator. I am using DSP , ADC ,DMA and timer for sampling rate. I am using tone genarator and for example if tone is 500 hz and my fftoutbuffer[16] is going high value (noramlly 130 but when tone generate is on 174) . For 1700 hz fftoutbuffer[52] is going high value (noramlly 130 but when tone generate is on 175). I try to calculate my sample rate withthis formula. f_sample = 500 * (1024 / x / 2) = 16 so x= 64000 . f_sample = 1700 * (1024 / x / 2) = 52 so x ≈= 64000 . So with these adjustment how can it be 64.000 khz ? I though with these adjustment , I can get 48000000/1000 = 48.000 khz. (I can share my code if it is necessery, I didnt share it because it has 500 or more line.)