2023-05-15 11:54 PM
Hi, I have the following problem:
I am developing Firmware for a device that has a STM32WB55VGY6 on it. Right now I'm in the midst of trying to get a OTA FW Update to work, but I'm completely stuck. Whenever I try to upload a .bin file via the BLE Sensor App, it starts the upload and at some point the Node becomes unreachable, but always at different stages of the upload, sometimes at the start, sometimes in the middle, sometimes near the end. I'm using the BLE_Ota project from the STM32Cube MCU Package for our bootloader, I changed the linker file of my firmware how I'm supposed to (Flash Address starting at 0x08007000, .ota_region 0x08007140 etc), removed the line in system_stm32wbxx.c with the vector, added BLE_CFG_OTA_REBOOT_CHAR to ble_conf.h, I used the Programmer to flash the BLE Stack at the right starting address (0x080CE000 for version 13.3), FUS version is 1.2.0 and my Firmware has a Service and Characteristic for FW Updates and the right code in custom_app.c.
The thing is, when I flash everything on a P-NUCLEO-WB55 board, the OTA update from the Smartphone works perfectly fine every time so I don't think I missed something codewise. Is it possible that it's not working because the BLE_Ota project was developed on the Nucleo board with a STM32WB55RG and isn't 100% compatible with the WB55VGY6? If so, how would one go about making it compatible? Or does the problem lie somewhere else entirely?
2023-05-22 4:58 AM
I will recommend you to use the latest BLE stack (v1.16.0) available in STM32CubeWB package but I don't think your issue is link to the BLE stack version. If you try with BLE_HeartRate_ota on your board, did you observe the same behavior? Are you able to capture BLE traffic with a sniffer?
Best Regards