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I'm working on P-NUCLEO-LRWAN3 as a mistake i delete every data from NUCLEO-L073RZ, now i have no idea how to comunicate with the sensor shield.

Associate II

On the site of Rising hf i found a solution: "STM32Nucleo_ATCmd_Bridge-v0.1.3-20170920.bin". This file is impossible to find online. I tryed a usb- serial comunication with the sensor shield, but i can only recive data and not sending them. The lorawan shield of Rising hf it's impossible to reach. i don't know how can i install a new firmware on  NUCLEO-L073RZ to comunicate with the module.


The closest proxy to this would be the AT Master software within the I-CUBE-LRWAN package on the LRWAN-NS1 (RHF0M003) board

Should be buildable with Keil using the free ST/CM0(+) license

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Associate II

i found this path in the icube's files "STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V2.0.0\Projects\NUCLEO-L073RZ\Applications\LoRaWAN\LoRaWAN_AT_Master\STM32CubeIDE\LRWAN_NS1" but there are three documents. When i drag this documents in Keil there is a flash error.

Associate II

thank you for fast answering

Not sure dragging them in is the usual way to manage this.

There should be a project file which can be opened as a project from within Keil.

More generally save a copy of the original binaries with ST-LINK and STM32 Cube Programmer

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