2021-08-07 6:46 AM
i am trying to implement I2C for the LPS33HW Sensor in the LoraWAN endnode application. I know that the STM32WL55JC in the IDLE Mode it is going into the STOP2 Mode. Therefore i defined the i2c3 because it can be woken up without a lose. The Clock for the I2C3 is the HSI16 because it is referred to the RM0453 reference manual.
Im inizializing the I2C in the sys_app.c at the bottom of the SystemApp_Init, also i enable the Wakeup of the hi2c3 by setting the WUPEN of the register to 1.
i registered the task to read a the sensor value as a schedule task, created a timer for 9000 ms and started the timer. I'm giving the value which the value has read to a global variable. After the Mac sending, the MCU is stopping and there is no process anymore. And thats the question is there something i dont see or overlook ?