2023-10-06 4:43 AM
Hello community,
I have increase the transmission speed/data frames of stm32 B-L072Z LORAWAN by varying APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE.
if APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE is 10000 that means each frame in 10secs and As I have set to 500 then it must be each frame in 0.5 second. But it's not working in that way. After setting APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE 500 I'm getting each in 2.2 seconds.
If anyone can help how to vary baudrate and bandwidth to increase frames per seconds or any other method to increase speed of LORAWAN node.
Please kindly provide your support and guide me to resolve the issue.
Thank you
2023-10-09 10:35 PM
2023-10-11 10:48 PM
Thank you for your reply.
But it's not helping me. I want to transmit 25000 data frames per minute.
I'm using stm32 BL072Z Lorawan node board. Currently I'm able to transmit 28 frames per minute.
Is there's any more modifications that I can do into code about data rate or bandwidth ?
Thank you
2023-10-11 11:40 PM
For these conditions you have chosen the absolutely wrong type of radio channel
For the Lora radio channel you can see
Semtech LoRa Calculator https://www.semtech.com/design-support/lora-calculator
and estimate what maximum data rate you can achieve
2023-10-12 8:28 AM
As of calculator I'll get 5.4kbps and that's around 324000 bits per minute .
And this no. Of bits per second will do the work.
But how can I manage atleast that speed of 5.4kbps.
I have attached a picture of calculation.
2023-10-12 8:29 AM
I'm getting 28 frames per minute.
Each frame of 16 bytes, that's around 1792 bits per minute.