2023-11-29 6:35 AM
SensorTile.box Pro: I am having difficulty figuring out which api to use within a function I have created to send accellerometer sensor data to a Stm32WB client . Function example :
void sendAccelerometerData(int x, int y, int z) {
uint8_t data[6];
data[0] = ;
data[1] = ;
data[2] = ;
data[3] = ;
data[4] = ;
data[5] = ;
?? BLE_UpdateValue(ACCELEROMETER_CHAR_UUID, data, sizeof(data));
I would also like to understand where to implement this function and its parameters.
2023-12-06 8:30 AM
The easiest way to start this kind of projects is the FP-SNS-BOX1 project, there you can start from the BLESensor project in the folder of the sensortile.box. It is the simplest project with sensor readings and ble communication, from there you can work your way up.
Best Regards