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How can LPN Unprovision without NVIC_SystemReset in Mesh Network?

Associate III

Hello ST,

Below function need for Unprovising from network ::

void Appli_Unprovision(void)




  /* No GATT connection */



  PalNvmErase(NVM_BASE, 0);    

  PalNvmErase(NVM_BASE, 0x1000);

  PalNvmErase(APP_NVM_BASE, 0);


  TRACE_M(TF_PROVISION,"NVM erased\r\n");    



  TRACE_M(TF_PROVISION,"Device is unprovisioned by application \r\n");    





We don't want to reset the system but without NVIC_SystemReset(); system behave will change and Transport layer become busy.

Please provide the solution for this. We have already spent too much time in STM32WB Mesh network development and our project dead line coming closer. Request to you response back as soon as possible for this issue..

Best Regards




Bart can provide the name and other details...

ST Employee


Which name and other details ?

Up to you, but ST Field Application Engineers are the dedicated persons that can help you and define your needs, better than Bart Hicguet ( from AVNET distributor ...

Best regards.


Bart was in the conversation with the ST team. Could you please share your mail ID. So i can put you in the same mail loop.

Best Regards

ST Employee


OK, which ST team ?

Best regards.


Hello Eric, Here in Europe, most of the employees are in summer vacation. they may take time to respond me back.

If you can share your mail id, then i can share the earlier mail details.

Best Regards

ST Employee

Hi Deepak,

Don't worry, most of the ST employees have a backup solution especially Field Application Engineers, and most of ST employees working on BLE MESH are not based in Europe.

Can you tell me which ST team Bart was in contact with ?

Best regards.


Hello Eric,

As i mentioned, already asked about the field engineer details. It may take time, meanwhile if you found the solution for LPN node reset issue when mesh network change or updates... please share it. With this approach we definitely can resolve the issue!

Best Regards



Hello Eric,

Three month ago, We had shared our issue with Vit Stepanek ST application engineer.

Best Regards


ST Employee


As I remembered, I have already answered to this question on the LPN Node reset with some detailed source code modifications.

With these modifications you should be able to unprovision the LP Node from the Provisioner Node with the ATEP UNPV command.

I have also answered you about the non ability to provision again into this existing MESH Network this LP Node with another Provisioner, not possible because you can have only one active Provisioner Node in a MESH Network.

My question is why do you need to provision again this LP Node in the same MESH Network with another Provisioner Node ?

Best regards.