2023-03-19 1:40 PM
2023-03-19 2:17 PM
That's going to be very similar to the Murata module in the B-LRWAN1 Discovery board
Watch for pin usage differences.
2023-03-25 9:38 AM
Thank you for the answer. The Murata module is based on the STM32L072CZ so must I create a new project for the STM32L071CBT in CubeIDE and create the right pin connections and other peripheral configurations (like CubeMX) and than copy de code from de Murata module (B-LRWAN1) in the new project? Or can I change the existing B-LRWAN1 code in the LoRaWAN software expansion?
2023-03-25 2:07 PM
I'm using Keil, I'd dupe the project and change the target..
I don't like the code generators, so I'd start with something that works (hw+sw), get the lay of the land from that, and then pivot into what I'm trying to port on to. I've moved the earlier LRWAN code onto F1, L4 and F7 etc.
With Radio it's very helpful to have something that Works, because it helps isolate receiver and transmit issues on the new platform. It's very difficult to debug if nothing you have is known to function properly.
2023-03-26 1:23 AM
Thanks again for the explanation. I will follow your advice and use the B-LRWAN1 code as start for my STM32L071CBT code. I also installed Keil and will give it a try.