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Get download message from Sigfox Network Emulator to B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery kit


Dear Pro,

I currently run a application with B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery kit.

I use sample code STM32CubeExpansion_SFOX_V1.1.0/Sgfx_push_button. In this project have:

SIGFOX_API_send_frame(ul_msg, ul_size, dl_msg, nbTxRepeatFlag, SFX_FALSE);
	for (i=0; i < 8; i ++){
		PRINTF("%02X ", dl_msg[i]) ;

Document for this function:

sfx_error_t SIGFOX_API_send_frame	(	sfx_u8 * 	customer_data,
	sfx_u8 	customer_data_length,
	sfx_u8 * 	customer_response,
	sfx_u8 	tx_repeat,
	sfx_bool 	initiate_downlink_flag 
Send a standard SIGFOX frame with customer payload. Customer payload cannot exceed 12 Bytes.
If initiate_downlink_flag is set, the frame will be send as many times as (tx_repeat + 1). tx repeat cannot exceed 2.
If initiate_downlink_flag is unset, the tx_repeat is forced to 2.
In downlink :
	Send uplink frames (1 to 3)
	Receive downlink frame
	Send out of band frame (Voltage, temperature and RSSI)
In uplink :
	Send uplink frames (3)
	[in]	sfx_u8	*customer_data Data to transmit
	[in]	sfx_u8	customer_data_length Data length in Bytes
	[out]	sfx_u8	*customer_response Returned 8 Bytes data in case of downlink
	[in]	sfx_u8	tx_repeat Number of repetition (value between 1 and 3 included - for downlink only)
	[in]	sfx_bool	initiate_downlink_flag Flag to initiate a downlink response
Return values
	The	sfx_error_t is composed of the following :

When i send message to Sigfox Network Emulator. SNE can read message and show it into web. I already set callbacks function in SNE as bellow:



As I know, with config of callback. When SNE receive message from KIT, SNE will send downlink message that has content {time}0102{rssi} to KIT. But when I print dl_msg, just has 00 value like that:

wakeup OK
send data....00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 ----Respose----00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 done