2021-09-22 1:38 AM
I'm using Sigfox PushButton example on STM32WLE5C8 with LPTIM, ADC and UART deactivated.
I believe ADC and UART are not needed for my use, and LPTIM is only required for Monarch if I'm not misunderstanding.
When I send a Sigfox message, I use the Sigfox API function SIGFOX_API_send_frame()
The message is well received by Sigfox backend (no particular issues with configurations or radio then). However the function never returns.
After some investigations I found out that I get stucked into RF_API_send() function of rf_api.c (from Sigfox/Target directory). The message is correctly sent, then I go into an infinite loop with "UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt(1 << CFG_SEQ_Evt_TxTimeout);"
I believe my RTC and other clocks are correctly configured (HAL_Delay() works well).
What can be the cause of that infinite wait for a send event ?
(Downlink flag is set to zero)
Thanks per advance
2021-10-04 9:06 AM
Is someone from ST support looking after this ? I'm still facing this issue and didn't find any way to resolve it for now