2019-10-02 5:24 PM
I have WB55 Dongle board that someone may have programmed previously. I am trying to start it fresh and make sure it is up to date using all files from from STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.2.0
I followed the procedure to install new FUS and BLE Stack:
Then I used the Programmer in USB mode to download BLE_TransparentModeVCP_reference.hex
All that seems to work fine.
But when I set the switch back to normal boot and plug it in, there are no lights, and no COM port is recognized. Ironically, before I did this, the device did show up on COM3, but it was also unresponsive.
What did I do wrong, or how can I figure what is wrong?
2019-10-03 2:54 AM
A few checks first; Is the new FUS version v1.0.2?
STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=usb1 -r32 0x20030030 1
No error regarding the BLE stack upload?
>But when I set the switch back to normal boot => You mean set the switch BOOT0 to 0?
To list the detected communication port, use STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -l. It should give you the COM number of your dongle.
If it does not detect any communication port, then reset the dongle.
2019-10-03 8:15 PM
@Remi QUINTIN thanks for your reply.
Yes, it's FUS version v1.0.2 from en.stm32cubewb/STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.2.0/Projects/STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries/
There does not appear to be any error, see below.
Yes, moving SW2(Boot0) to 0 closest to USB. Then I expect to see a COM port, but I don't. The only port listed by CLI is other ports on the machine. Reinserting it in the port, even after sever minutes powered down, and I still get no COM port. I think the Windows drivers are OK, since the MB1355C board STLINk Virtual COM Port port shows up just fine.
Is it just a bad board?
"c:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe" -c port=usb1 -r32 0x20030030 1
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.1.0
USB speed : Full Speed (12MBit/s)
Manuf. ID : STMicroelectronics
Product ID : DFU in FS Mode
SN : 2061388C3036
FW version : 0x011a
Device ID : 0x0495
Device name : STM32WBxx
Flash size : 1 MBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU : Cortex-M0+/M4
0x20030030 : 00000000
"c:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe" -l
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.1.0
===== DFU Interface =====
No STM32 device in DFU mode connected
===== STLink Interface =====
Error: No ST-Link detected!
===== UART Interface =====
Total number of serial ports available: 3
Port: COM7
Location: \\.\COM7
Description: Standard Serial over Bluetooth link
Manufacturer: Microsoft
Port: COM1
Location: \\.\COM1
Description: Communications Port
Manufacturer: (Standard port types)
Port: COM8
Location: \\.\COM8
Description: Standard Serial over Bluetooth link
Manufacturer: Microsoft
2019-10-04 1:49 AM
Mmine works fine with the green led on and I get this log
Connected with usb1
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.1.0
===== DFU Interface =====
No STM32 device in DFU mode connected
===== STLink Interface =====
Error: No ST-Link detected!
===== UART Interface =====
Total number of serial ports available: 1
Port: COM11
L ocation: \\.\COM11
Description: STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port
Manufacturer: STMicroelectronics.
could you revert to BOOT0 = 1 and check if the USB port is detected? Just to check if your board is out of service.
2019-10-04 5:46 AM
With BOOT0=1, it shows up as DFU in FUS mode on 2 computers. With BOOT0=0, neither computer sees it when it is plugged in. There is no new USB device recognized (enumerated). Also no LED. This device did enumerate before I updated with FUS 1.0.2
2019-10-04 7:16 AM
Strange. I have no clue in mind yet.
Did you try to use STM32CubeMonitor-RF to send some DTM commands? Just in case this tool would see the port com correctly (but I doubt).
Then do you have another dongle to test? Just to confirm whether your first dongle is broken or not. The fact that the light is not on is a clue.
Hard to help you in a better way. I will brainstorm with other colleagues to get an idea and I will come back to you if we manage to get one.
2019-10-04 7:36 AM
Someone told me that the switch may be not working smoothly on some dongles. You have to insist when you switch it to BOOT=0
Then could you also send me the option bytes (mainly C2OPT, C2BOOT, SBRV and SFSA)?
2019-10-04 8:04 AM
RFmon does not work, can;t find a port.
It's the only Dongle I have. Both switches ohm out OK.
C2OPT Checked - address flash
C2BOOT? I can;t find that.
SBRV 0x33000
SFSA 0xcc
STMCubeProgrammer is V 2.1.0
Device ID is 0x495
Serial is 2061388C3036
Have you tried installing the same 3 softwares?
2019-10-04 8:17 AM
Both switches ohm out OK => you mean you ckecked the voltage?
Option bytes are OK.
2019-10-04 8:38 AM
Last time I measured ohms. Now I measure voltage wise, the BOOT0 has 3.3 from wiper to Boot1 side, so it is open.
The SW1 only 0.3, probably not being driven.
Is it possible that the precompiled BLE_TransparentModeVCP_reference.hex is not compatible with the new FUS/BLE stack?
Should I try to revert the board with old code? If so where would I find it?