2019-07-30 10:33 PM
Hi Sir,
Like BlueNRG-2 have PCB antenna's of BLE232SA-A and BLE232UA-A Does STM32WB also have these kind of antenna modules???
2019-08-02 1:31 AM
A SiP (System in Package) for the STM32WB55 is in design and will be available beginning of next year in mass production.
This module embeds a ceramic antenna, not a PCB antenna.
2020-01-20 2:58 AM
Is there any news on this topic?
are there datasheets available already?
2020-01-20 5:05 AM
The STM32WB5M module will be available by March (week 11 or 12).
You will be able to purchase it on the st.com web site.
2020-05-22 10:53 PM
Are there any updates on the SiP module?
2020-05-25 11:57 PM
Due to the specific current working circumstances on top of many additional projects launched beginning this year, the SIP module is now expected to be released in September 2020.
2020-09-08 3:28 AM
Any news ?
2020-09-16 5:18 AM
Week 40 most probably.
2020-09-21 7:10 AM
That sounds pretty good.
will there be a dev kit for the module ?
Would be great if you could update this thread when the SiP is finally released.
2020-10-04 7:36 PM
Hi, is there any news about the availability of STM32WB SiP module?