2022-06-30 8:20 AM
My custom device with custom firmware don't respond to LL_FEATURE_REQ so the device disconnect.
The connectivity part of my project is very similar to the example BLE_p2p_server, the device start advertising and when I connect to it with the mobile app ST BLE TOOLBOX the connection fail, in wireshark I see the master device is sending LL_FEATURE_REQ but the device doesn't respond.
Can you please help me as I'm stuck for a week now?
I share with you the wireshark logs (remove the .csv extension)
Stack: stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin v 1.13.1
Thanks by advance for the help.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-09-12 9:13 AM
Resolved by setting CFG_BLE_LSE_SOURCE to 1 in app_conf.h
Do you have more explanation?
2022-07-06 2:07 AM
If you try to use BLE_p2pServer example, did you have the same behavior ? If not, maybe you have a mistake in your application concerning the feature supported. If you have the same behavior with BLE_p2pServer example, you can try to update your stack with the BLE Full Stack v1.14.0 available in the STM32CubeWB package.
Best Regards
2022-07-06 2:17 AM
Hello Remy,
The example BLE_p2pServer work well on the nucleo WB55 board, the issue is in my project (on my custom board) but I can't find where, my project is not based on the p2pServer example but the configuration parameters for the connectivity is the same.
In my project scanning beacons and beaconing works well, and I can advertise for connectivity, just the pairing procedure fail, and I'm not able to find the issue! maybe a config that I missed, that's why I need help as I can't found in the documentation what I need.
2022-07-06 5:03 AM
Can you give more information about your setup and what you want to do ? Maybe you have debug trace. With your custom, are you able to establish a BLE connection or it never worked ?
Best Regards
2022-07-06 6:36 AM
The Board is a custom board based on MCU STM32WB55, the firmware was generated by Cube and modified to match our consumption criteria, and to run our feature, we want to do either beaconing or beacon scan or connectivity, the two first was done but the connectivity not yet.
the BLE connection never worked because its a new feature under development.
What I need to do is to establish a connection and discover our custom services to be able to change parameters in the board, for now I didn't added the custom services, I just added the DIS service.
I share with you the main BLE APP code and the app_conf.h
2022-07-06 6:37 AM
2022-07-06 6:40 AM
when I try to establish a connection, the phone send LL_FEATURE_REQ but the device don't respond, I'm trying to figure why, did the device received the REQ or no! if it does received it why it doesn't respond!
Best Regard
2022-07-07 2:18 AM
Can we set a teams call so we can explore the problem better?
and can you please send the link for the BLE stack v1.14.0?
2022-07-07 5:31 AM
You can recover the reason of the disconnection in HCI_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE_EVT_CODE maybe it can help to find the root cause of the disconnection. You can find the BLE Stack v1.14.0 in STM32CubeWB package.
Best Regards
2022-07-07 7:43 AM
The result is ** DISCONNECTION EVENT WITH CLIENT status 0 - Reason 8
I just found that :
ret = aci_gatt_update_char_value(gap_service_handle,
(uint8_t *)&appearance);
return error int 96
Do you have any idea of the reason that the appearance is not set?