2023-01-24 08:59 AM
Would like to update the ble stack of stm32wb55 to 1.15.
Do old commands from stack 1.13 are supported?
And which parameter describes the stack version:
APP_DBG_MSG("Wireless Firmware version %d.%d.%d\n", WirelessInfo.VersionMajor, WirelessInfo.VersionMinor, WirelessInfo.VersionSub);
APP_DBG_MSG("Wireless Firmware build %d\n", WirelessInfo.VersionReleaseType);
APP_DBG_MSG("FUS version %d.%d.%d\n", WirelessInfo.FusVersionMajor, WirelessInfo.FusVersionMinor, WirelessInfo.FusVersionSub);
2023-01-30 06:04 AM
Which BLE stack type are you using?
In STM32WB_BLE_Wireless_Interface.html documentation available in STM32CubeWB package, you can find which application commands interface (ACI) and host commands interface (HCI) are supported according to BLE stack variant. You can find the link between wireless coprocessor binaries and BLE stack variant in this wiki page.
Best Regards