2022-10-04 3:03 AM
I am working on the NUCLEO-WB55RG eval board and I try to run the BLE_TransparentMode project provided as example. But when I run the code (without any modification), it doesn't work. The debugging shows that it failed suddenly at MX_APPE_Init main function.
I have successfully flashed the firmware stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_extended_fw.bin at address 0x080C7000.
Other examples works fine (I've tested BLE_Zigbee_Dyn and Zigbee_APS_Router projects)
I use STM32CubeIDE with STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.14.1 library.
2022-10-05 12:30 AM
BLE_TransparentMode project allows to send ACI commands using STM32CubeMonitor RF tool. Are you able to connect your board to STM32CubeMonitor RF tool or not ?
Best Regards
2022-10-05 3:24 AM
No, STM32CubeMonitor RF tool can't connect to the board ("device not responding")
2022-10-05 9:29 AM
Which version of STM32CubeMonitor RF tool are you using ?
2022-10-05 11:18 PM
Version 2.9.1
2022-10-07 2:08 AM
I'm not able to reproduce your issue, so maybe there is an issue when you have flashed the BLE stack. Can you retry to flash the firmware stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_extended_fw.bin at address 0x080C7000 and then BLE_TransparentMode_reference.hex firmware from v1.14.1 using STM32CubeProgrammer?
Best Regards
2022-10-07 2:27 AM
Same issue : the nucleo board is totally frozen when I run the software. Thank you for your help, I will start my development from another example.
Best regards