2023-05-24 02:46 AM
Hello everyone, I have a project using BLE (bluetooth low energy) of chip stm32wb55. I used example project provided by ST, this project is BLE_Hid in folder STM32Cube _FW_WB_ V1.16.0 of ST (pictures below). I loaded it to board P-Nucleo-WB55 then connect board with laptop Windows 10 via BLE. This project is configurated bonding mode so after first connecting laptop Windows will auto remember BLE service of board and auto reconnect next times. The problem is it only work well in the first time connecting and no working next times when reconnect with bonding mode. If want it becomes works normal again, I must remove the BLE service of board on laptop Windows and conduct a connecting as the first time. Are there any solutions to don't need to remove BLE service on laptop Windows but it still work well in the reconnect next times? Please help me!!! (Note: it only have problem when connect with laptop Windows and no problem when I connect with smart phone)
2023-05-24 02:49 AM
This is link I downloaded above folder: https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stm32cubewb.html#overview