2021-11-25 01:59 PM
Hello, I've tried running and debugging the example project for lorawan end node and it gets stuck at waiting for LSE ready when I debug it using JLink. I also have a custom L072 board with sx1276 and the same thing occurs. The devkit is in working order, there is no hardware issues because it works in arduino lorawan example. (https://github.com/GrumpyOldPizza/ArduinoCore-stm32l0/tree/master/libraries/LoRaWAN/examples/LoRaWAN_Join_OTAA)
I also have a WL55JC lorawan devkit and it works fine with the official CubeWL
Any idea why the official I-CUBE-LRWAN does not run or any suggestions how to get it up and running?
2021-11-25 02:41 PM
Does that board even have an LSE? I don't see it on the schematic.
2021-11-25 03:12 PM
The Murata module has a 32.768 KHz
2021-11-26 12:26 AM
I think it's labeled TCXO. The other board is a custom board that I designed and it has an LQFP64 L072/L073 and an external 32.768k, the same oscillator as on a nucleo L073