2022-12-29 04:37 AM
I have initialized variable as below
uint8_t u8Flag1ForStoreVer __attribute__ ((section (".RAM1_region")));
So, after soft reset I am getting data back.
But also same I am getting after hard reset(Power cycle) , even aftre long time
What should be value in RAM after power on ?
I am using STM32WL controller.
2022-12-30 02:17 AM
If you just want to distinguish between a power-on reset and other, there should be reset cause flags doing that job.
Otherwise: What is the idea behind the section attribute in your code, and does that work correctly?
> I have initialized variable as below
Don't see any intialization here. Global uninitialized C variables (in .bss) are zeroed and initialized (.data) are copied from flash to RAM by the C runtime.