2018-12-06 4:23 PM
I'm facing a problem with the DCMI module in the STM32L4R9. It is getting stuck at the WWDG_IRQHandler soon after I call the funciton HAL_DCMI_Start_DMA(...) in my main.
I'm using the STM32L4R9I-DISCO board with the DM-CAM130 camera module.
As there is no example for DCMI and the STM32L4R9I-DISCO, I ported the code for the STM32L496G-DISCOVERY, making sure I was pointing to the correct BSP and disabling all references to the LCD which is not present in my board. (For now I just want to know that I can receive a frame from the camera). I also used the linker script from the DSI example for the STM32L4R9I-DISCO.
- I haven't setup anything related to watchdog.
- I checked all the basic IO configurations and peripherals related to the camera.
- I know that the camera works (correct clock comes out of the MCU and I have frames coming back (Checked with logic analizer)).
- I configured the camera to the miminum resolution (setting confirmed by LA) and I'm sure I have enough memory allocated for the buffer.
- I tried lowering the clock frequency as someone was having issues at high speeds.
- I tried to catch the DCMI interrupts and turn on an LED on them with no success (it gets stuck before that)
There must be a memory related issue that I'm not aware of. Inside the function HAL_DCMI_Start_DMA, the line that breaks everything is this:
SET_BIT(hdcmi->Instance->CR, DCMI_CR_CAPTURE);
So, when the capture is triggered, something goes wrong and makes it go to the WWDG_IRQHandler.
It would help a lot if anyone knows any reason why that could be happening.
2018-12-06 5:22 PM
GNU/GCC tools?
Is WWDG_IRQHandler at the same address as Default_Handler? Check the .MAP file if not sure.
Would indicate you're missing an interrupt handler.
2018-12-06 10:07 PM
Hi, thanks for your reply!!
I'm using System Workbench for STM32... And yes, Default_Handler has the same address as many other handlers.
Maybe there is an error situation that is not included in the handlers of the BSP that I should implement?