2019-10-21 9:44 AM
I'm working with TouchGFX with STM32F746BG, and I have an issue when there is animation.
You can find a video of the problem here : https://youtu.be/X-D-NkGCN5k
I also have the same issue when I add an animation between screen.
At the beginning I was working without TouchGFX (and without external ram), playing with LTDC layer, moving and everything and I no issue.
Any idea where this could come from ?
EDIT: Updated video to the right one
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-12-05 7:35 AM
Switched to 16bits, working fine now.
Also some improvements come from :
They are explained : https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/application_note/group0/25/ca/f9/b4/ae/fc/4e/1e/DM00287603/files/DM00287603.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00287603.pdf (4.5.2, 4.5.3)
2019-10-22 2:38 AM
I'm getting a video that shows you trying to drag a slider. Is that the right video? I can't tell anything is wrong other than there is no touch registered. Does touch work generally for your board?
2019-10-22 2:57 AM
Sorry, yesterday I posted the wrong video, updated it this morning, but kept the thumbnail from yesterday, here's the link again : https://youtu.be/X-D-NkGCN5k
2019-10-23 1:53 PM
How did you create this project? Through designer or CubeMX?
2019-10-23 2:34 PM
Through CubeMX.
2019-10-23 11:46 PM
Try creating a project with the Designer based on F746G-DISCO and compare the LTDC settings. You have access to an .ioc file in the latest version of the template.
2019-10-23 11:46 PM
CubeMX does not really consider the best settings for TouchGFX just because it's enabled.
2019-10-24 5:40 AM
@Martin KJELDSEN So I checked again LTDC with the screen settings, and I didn't find any issue.
Our screen is different so I can't just copy LTDC settings. I took the STM32F7DMA.cpp and the STM32F7HAL.cpp from the touchGFX generated project, but still the same issue.
Though, I remove TouchGFX, kept GRAPHICS_HW_Init(), and played with moving the layer, and I have no issue, as you can see here https://youtu.be/AstKoKqB1Pc. The small layer is pointing on external SDRAM.
Code is :
double x_offset = 10;
double y_offset = 10;
double vx = 0.1;
double vy = 0.1;
if (x_offset <= 0 || x_offset + SIZE >= DISPLAY_WIDTH)
vx = -vx;
if (y_offset <= 0 || y_offset + SIZE >= DISPLAY_HEIGHT)
vy = -vy;
x_offset += vx;
y_offset += vy;
LTDC->SRCR = LTDC_SRCR_VBR; // reload shadow registers on vertical blanking period
while ((LTDC->CDSR & LTDC_CDSR_VSYNCS) == 0) // wait for next frame
while ((LTDC->CDSR & LTDC_CDSR_VSYNCS) == 1)
So right now, I don't really understand where this could come from. Any help would be welcome :)
2019-11-04 2:34 AM
Hi @vtunr,
Just getting back to the community after a few weeks. Just to get it right - By simply adjusting the layer configuration as you've done here you're able to display something on your display, but not through TouchGFX?
2019-11-04 2:39 AM
So, if I don't use TouchGFX, and DMA2D, just two layer that i move by myself, I don't have animation issue, so from this I concluded that my LTDC configuration is not the problem.
I tried several other things, and I saw two improvements by doing those two things, but it just reduce the issue, it's still there :
* Removing the second layer in LTDC that was never used
* hal.lockDMAToFrontPorch(false); to true
I tried the DMA2D files from the STM32F746BG discovery board, no changes, and I check my FMC configuration, and it seems to be alright.
I can upload a video this afternoon with the current behavior.