2022-01-20 7:29 PM
When I run simulator of video sample with Display Orientation, the video is rotated.
Jpeg picture with LIBJPEG is also rotated.
Could you please advice me?
2022-01-20 11:47 PM
Apparently the Video widget in portrait mode is not implemented yet. It is "expensive" to rotate the decoded image when putting it in the framebuffer.
2022-01-21 12:23 AM
Thank you for the prompt answer. I understand it is "expensive".
However, I'd like to know how to rotate the framebuffer for decompress with LIBJPEG.
Could you please advice me?
2022-01-21 2:08 AM
I do not know how to do this myself. It is still under discussion on if it should be implemented for TouchGFX 19 or for a later version.
What I can only recommend for now is to change your project settings within STM32CubeMX to invert the size and width of the display to change the display orientation there instead of through TouchGFX Designer.
2022-01-21 6:24 PM
Thank you for your explanation.
I think JPEGFileLoader::readJPEGFile() in JPEGFileLoader.cpp is used for pasting the image to Dynamic Bitmap buffer.
Could you please tell me about the address mapping of the buffer?
I'll try to modify this function for swapping the row and column.