2023-05-12 2:23 AM
In my project I have TouchGFX and USB (Virtual COM-Port) activated.
When generating code in STM32CubeMX, the USB Device files are placed under
"Middlewares/USB_Device_Library". Project compiles correct and is working.
After I generate code using TouchGFX Designer, these files are then missing and only touchgfx_core.lib is placed unter that item, which causes Linker Error for undefined symbols. I then have to manually add the files (usbd_core.c, usbd_ctlreq.c, usbd_ioreq.c and usbd_cdc.c) in a custom tree to keep them for further Generate Code cycles. But as soon as I regenerate Code with STM32CubeMX these files reappear in the Middlewares tree.
Please forward this to your "Generate Code" team for fixing the issue.
Thank you.