2020-06-26 3:36 AM
I am building a GUI for STM32f769 discovery baord on touch GFX . But every time when I generate the code, only EWARM and a Cube Mx project is being generated. At the other hand, On touch GFX website, It is mentioned that It can generate the code for Keil also. But in my case It generating only EWARM project.
Then I opened the generated cube mx file, and generated Keil project from the Touch gfx generated cube Mx project.
In this case the Keil project was generated but there were 11 errors.
Am I doing something wrong?
Please guide me.
2020-07-11 12:54 AM
It is indeed strange that the Keil project is not generated. What version of the STM32F769-DISCO Application Template did you use ? (It should be at least 3.0.0)
If you generated the Keil project yourself, it is normal that you have errors as several changes must be done and should be already done if the whole code/project generation was working in the first place.
Maybe give some more precision on what do you use (TouchGFX 4.13, CubeMX 5.5.0 or something else), what OS (Windows 10 or something else) , the steps you did to arrive to this issue, etc.
This might help figure out something.
2020-07-11 5:35 AM
Hello Alexandre RENOUX,
Thanks for your response,
The problem has solved. I just updated the touch GFX to version 4.13 and then it started to generate the Kiel Project .