2018-11-29 8:50 PM
I would like to know why I generate my code from TouchGFX is not include TrueStudio file but when I generate my code I must be open in IAR. How should I do when I would like to create file in TouchGFX generate my code for TrueStudio.
Thank you.
2018-11-30 6:35 AM
The TouchGFX Designer standalone version does not (yet) support TrueStudio.
However, the latest v.5.0.0 of CubeMX, once the TouchGFX Designer 4.10 (provided in latest F4/F7 Cube firmwares) you can launch the Designer from CubeMX, compose your GUI then go back to CubeMX and generate the source code for Atollic (set in project properties).
In this case however you must configure properly the peripherals at CubeMX level.
Please have a look at the following links :
Best regards,
T.O.M.A.S. - Technically Oriented Microcontroller Application Services
2018-12-07 11:14 AM
I just checked the https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020208091 from the first link you give and it does not resolve the original question. I'm also trying to use TrueStudio and the instructions on that link only took me so far.
At the end, it mentions about how to modify the EWARM Project and does not mention anything about TrueStudio.
Also, after doing this as the tutorial indicates:
"Add missing BSP files and update Linker script.
With the BSP files not added for the QSPI and the touchscreen, these files need to be added to the project.
The BSP files can be found at the firmware location, which can be found under Project manager, Use Default Firmware Location.
In the firmware folder, goto to the folder BSP under Drivers, and copy the two folders "Components" and "STM32769I-Discovery". In the folder for the CubeMX project create a folder named BSP under Drivers and place the two copied folder to the BSP folder."
I get a lot of compilation errors regarding "SD", and "AUDIO" and the article does not say anything about this happening.
I think I resolved the compilation error regarding SD by going back to CubeMX and changing the SDMMC2 mode from MMC 4 bits Wide bus, which was the original config, to SD 4 bits Wide bus. I don't know this is how that is resolved, I only know that that the compilation error stopped showing.
Nevertheless, I'm getting a ton of errors related to the file "\Drivers\BSP\STM32F769I-Discovery\stm32f769i_discovery_audio.c" and I tried to resolve these going back to CubeMX and looking for something related to "Audio" but I could not find anything. So I'm stuck here.
Also for the linked script changes it recommends this:
define symbol __region_QSPI_start__ = 0x90000000;
define symbol __region_QSPI_end__ = 0x93FFFFFF;
define region QSPI_region = mem:[from __region_QSPI_start__ to __region_QSPI_end__];
place in QSPI_region { section ExtFlashSection};
But that is not the format of the linker script TrueStudio uses, so I did the following. First I added the QSPI memory definition (line 6) and then the section at the end of the file (lines from 13 to 20). I mean, this is how you add a section in a .ld file, but I'm not sure that is the TrueStudio-equivalent of what the tutorial is asking.
/* Specify the memory areas */
RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 512K
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000, LENGTH = 2048K
QSPI (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x9000000, LENGTH = 0x03ffffff
. = ALIGN(4);
.ExtFlashSection :
_sqspi = .;
__region_QSPI_start__ = _qspi;
_eqspi = .;
__region_QSPI_end__ = _eqspi;
} > QSPI
I don't know if the changes on the linker script file and the SDMMC2 mode change are correct or even needed, so, could you please help to setup the project for TrueStudio?
2018-12-10 1:15 AM
I feel sorry about this situation, on my side I also followed the guidelines for F769 and even using IAR I cannot manage to get a working project, but at least it builds !
Regarding the audio, I guess it is linked to SAI peripheral that is enabled on the default pinout.
I may also disable all USB and Ethernet stuff.
I discussed internally of this situation, it is taken very seriously but it has been decided to deliver this first integration despite some known limitation. However the prioriy is high on making it mature as soon as possible, I already reported the point on the F769 guidelines, they should be updated soon.
Sorry for this situation that will not last too long I hope,
Best regards,
T.O.M.A.S. - Technically Oriented Microcontroller Application Services
2018-12-10 10:45 PM
Thank you for your the answer. I'm looking forward to using TouchGFX with TrueStudio.
Best regards,
Panupong Boonya
2018-12-16 11:33 PM
hi Panupong Boonya,
do you got anything on this?